
Marketing Strategy (Planning, Positioning, Key Messaging….)
We help young businesses tell their unique stories, define and evolve their brand narrative, craft their core messaging whilst forging a distinct & defendable heartland and standing proud from the crowd.


PR is all about moving seamlessly at speed and without fuss to establish a distinct, newsworthy stance. Any editor worth his salt will seek out engaging, ‘outsider’ brands as part of their wider remit to truly grasp the product arena they’re investigating. Establishment brands provide the foundation blocks but challenger brands provide the theatre by refusing to tow the line or trot out empty flannel.

Founder Profiles

Whilst corporate brands operate in the shadows via elusive boards and rule-abiding middle managers, SMEs are run by passionate, unshackled founders who’ve taken on huge challenges, sleepless nights and financial heartache to make their idea a reality.  

By and large authentic founders live their brands and speak from the heart, which is why they tell heartfelt stories that truly resonate.

Content Writing

We help brands find their voice and express themselves in ways that turn heads and whet appetites. We talk with authority, conviction, enthusiasm and humility. We certainly don’t deal in stiff, starchy convoluted or over-choreographed copy because today’s consumers want brands they can relate to, meet their needs and speak their language.

Media Plans

Whether we’re talking trade, consumer, online interviews, business, founder, environmental, minority interest or future trends pieces, where are countless homes for a good story that shines a positive light on an intriguing tale. We help your timings, connections and messaging to achieve maximum WOW!


Awards provide a perfect level playing field for up & coming brands to showcase their bigger visions, celebrating against-all-odds successes they’ve enjoyed along the way. Buyers and journalists are always on the look out for ambitious underdogs prepared to rock the boat.